
About Our Membership

Membership is open for individuals who are scholars or bona fide students of African languages and other persons who subscribe to the aims and objectives of the Association. An annual subscription is currently determined at R300.00 or US$60. Paid-up members receive a copy of the two numbers of SAJAL for the current year, as well as newsletter(s) and invitations to Conferences and Seminars.

Renewal of membership: membership is renewable on an annual basis. Members will receive a renewal notice from the Treasurer. This notice must be returned to the Treasurer (linked to Treasurer’s particulars) with a cheque, postal order or deposit slip as proof of payment for the appropriate amount. All prices are to be made out to ALASA. The Treasurer should also be informed of any change of address or other personal details.

How to become a member: Interested parties can apply to join ALASA by completing the application form and mailing it directly to the Treasurer at

Membership form

ALASA Application 2022

Download our application to join
